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All Accountable Mankind Must Be Born Again.

"Chapter 18: Spiritual Rebirth: Truthful Conversion," Doctrines of the Gospel Educatee Manual (2000), 49–50


Sometimes we learn all-time by seeing the contrast between white and black, good and evil, sour and sweet. Alma the Younger appeared showtime in the Volume of Mormon as a wicked and an idolatrous homo going among the Church members attempting to destroy the work of his father. During Alma's rebellion, an angel appeared to him and chastised him, bearing witness of God'south purposes. Alma was so impressed past the visitation that for a time he was unable to move or speak. Finally, he stood upon his anxiety and declared, "I have … been redeemed of the Lord; behold I am born of the Spirit" (Mosiah 27:24).

An experience such as the one that then transformed the life of Alma is essential to our ain development within the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our feel may not, and probably will not, take the aforementioned class as Alma's, but its results can be the same. We volition be able to declare with Alma that we are "redeemed from the gall of bitterness and bonds of iniquity" and that our "soul is pained no more" (Mosiah 27:29).

Doctrinal Outline

  1. All accountable persons must be born over again of water and of the Spirit.

    1. To receive conservancy in the celestial kingdom, all members of the Church building must exist built-in again and receive the baptism of burn down (see Mosiah 27:24–29; John three:iii–8; Alma 7:fourteen).

    2. To be built-in over again is to be quickened by the Spirit and receive a modify of centre (see Moses vi:65–66; Mosiah five:two, five–7).

    3. Our rebirth begins at baptism and is completed when nosotros receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost and are apple-pie from sin (see 3 Nephi 12:1–ii; Alma 36:24; Mormon vii:10).

    4. Being born again is a continual process (encounter Alma 5:14–31; one Peter two:ii).

  2. Justification is being forgiven past the Lord and set upon the path of righteousness.

    1. Existence born again justifies us before the Lord and puts united states on the road to sanctification (run across D&C xx:29–31; Moses 6:60; ane Corinthians half-dozen:eleven).

    2. Justification comes through faith in Jesus Christ and through private righteousness (see JST, Romans iv:sixteen; Romans 5:1, 9; Isaiah 53:11).

    3. All covenants pertaining to our exaltation must be entered into in righteousness and be justified and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Hope (see D&C 132:7; 76:53).

  3. Sanctification is a land of saintliness and purity.

    1. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ are allowable to go sanctified (see D&C 43:9, 11, 16; 88:68; 133:4; 39:18).

    2. To be sanctified is to go holy and without sin (see Moroni 10:32–33).

    3. Those who obtain eternal life in the presence of God must be sanctified (see iii Nephi 27:19–20; D&C 76:20–21; 88:2, 116).

    4. Sanctification is attainable because of the Amende of Jesus Christ, simply only if nosotros obey His commandments (see D&C 76:40–42; 43:9; 88:21; 133:62).

    5. Sanctification comes past the power of the Holy Ghost (run across Alma thirteen:12; 3 Nephi 27:20; i Peter one:two).

    6. Those who are sanctified tin can fall (see D&C twenty:34).

Supporting Statements

  1. All answerable persons must be born again of water and of the Spirit.

    • "The Son of God came into the world to redeem it from the fall. Merely except a man be born once again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. This eternal truth settles the question of all men's religion. A homo may be saved, subsequently the judgment, in the terrestrial kingdom, or in the telestial kingdom, but he can never see the angelic kingdom of God, without being born of water and the Spirit" (Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 12).

    • "Alma was trying to arouse his hearers at Zarahemla to a realization that their being able to look up 'to God at that day with a pure centre and clean hands' would depend upon their experiencing the mighty change wrought in men's hearts past the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost.

      "Reminding them that his father had accepted the words of Abinadi and that 'according to his faith there was a mighty change wrought in his heart. …

      "'And [that he had] preached the discussion unto [their] fathers, and a mighty change was besides wrought in their hearts,' he continued,

      "'And now behold, I enquire of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? …

      "'Accept ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?' (Alma v:12–14).

      "Information technology was against this background that he put the question: 'Can ye look upwardly to God at that day with a pure heart and clean easily?' (Alma five:19).

      "This 'mighty change' wrought by the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost should and does, if the proselyte is prepared to receive it, occur when he is baptized by immersion for the remission of sins and receives the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost—the two required ordinances for existence 'born of water and of the spirit.'" (Marion G. Romney, Expect to God and Live, 269–70).

    • "The showtime birth takes place when spirits laissez passer from their pre-existent showtime estate into mortality; the second nascence or birth 'into the kingdom of heaven' takes place when mortal men are built-in once again and go live to the things of the Spirit and of righteousness. The elements of water, blood, and Spirit are present in both births. (Moses vi:59–lx.) The second nascence begins when men are baptized in h2o by a legal administrator; information technology is completed when they actually receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost, becoming new creatures by the cleansing ability of that fellow member of the Godhead" (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 101).

  2. Justification is being forgiven by the Lord and set upon the path of righteousness.

    • "What then is the police of justification? It is simply this: 'All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations' (D. & C. 132:seven), in which men must bide to be saved and exalted, must be entered into and performed in righteousness and then that the Holy Spirit can justify the candidate for conservancy in what has been done. (1 Ne. 16:ii; Jac. 2:thirteen–fourteen; Alma 41:xv; D. & C. 98; 132:i, 62.) An human action that is justified by the Spirit is one that is sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, or in other words, ratified and canonical past the Holy Ghost" (McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 408).

    • "Justification is a judicial act, whereby God declares that the sinner who repents and by faith accepts the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, and who is baptized according to the Word of God, is acquitted and received into His Kingdom" (Hyrum M. Smith and Janne Yard. Sjodahl, The Doctrine and Covenants Commentary, 104).

    • "To exist justified before God we must love i another: we must overcome evil; we must visit the fatherless and the widow in their affliction, and we must go on ourselves unspotted from the world: for such virtues flow from the swell fountain of pure religion, strengthening our faith by adding every good quality that adorns the children of the blessed Jesus, nosotros tin can pray in the flavour of prayer; we tin beloved our neighbour as ourselves, and be true-blue in tribulation, knowing that the reward of such is greater in the kingdom of heaven. What a consolation! What a joy! Let me live the life of the righteous, and let my reward be like his!" (Smith, Teachings, 76).

  3. Sanctification is a state of saintliness and purity.

    • "To exist sanctified is to become clean, pure, and spotless; to be complimentary from the claret and sins of the globe; to become a new fauna of the Holy Ghost, one whose torso has been renewed by the rebirth of the Spirit. Sanctification is a state of saintliness, a state attained only by conformity to the laws and ordinances of the gospel" (McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 675).

    • "When the volition, passions, and feelings of a person are perfectly submissive to God and His requirements, that person is sanctified. It is for my will to be swallowed up in the will of God, that will lead me into all good, and crown me ultimately with immortality and eternal lives" (Brigham Young, in Periodical of Discourses, two:123).

    • "I will put my own definition to the term sanctification, and say information technology consists in overcoming every sin and bringing all into subjection to the law of Christ. God has placed in us a pure spirit; when this reigns predominant, without let or hindrance, and triumphs over the flesh and rules and governs and controls as the Lord controls the heavens and the world, this I call the approving of sanctification" (Brigham Young, in Journal of Discourses, 10:173).
