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How to See Deleted Messages on Discord Server

On Discord, you have the ability to delete your own messages.

You can delete your own message by right-clicking it and clicking on "Delete".

When you delete your message, it'll be deleted for everyone.

In other words, other users won't be able to see your message anymore.

Similarly, if someone deletes their message, you won't be able to see it in chat.

However, there is a way to see deleted messages on Discord.

In addition to deleted messages, you can also see edited messages.

In this guide, you'll learn how to see deleted messages on Discord in 4 steps.

How to see deleted messages on Discord

To see deleted messages on Discord, you need to download BetterDiscord and MessageLoggerV2.

Next, add MessageLoggerV2 to the plugins folder and enable it.

After you've enabled MessageLoggerV2, you'll be able to see deleted messages on Discord by opening the log.

You can do so by right-clicking the server and clicking on "Open Logs".

The log consists of 4 tabs including the "Deleted" tab.

In the "Deleted" tab, you'll be able to see deleted messages on Discord.

You'll also be able to see the date and time of the deleted message.

In addition, you can clear the log by clicking on the "Clear log" button.

Here's how to see deleted messages on Discord:

  1. Download BetterDiscord
  2. Download MessageLoggerV2
  3. Add MessageLoggerV2 to the plugins folder & enable it
  4. Right-click the server & open logs

1. Download BetterDiscord

The first step is to download BetterDiscord.

BetterDiscord increases the functionality of Discord via plugins and themes.

You can download plugins and themes via the BetterDiscord website.

To begin with, visit the BetterDiscord website here:

Once you're on the website, click on "Download" to download BetterDiscord.

After you've clicked on "Download", you need to choose an action.

There are 3 actions that you can choose from including "Install BetterDiscord", "Repair BetterDiscord", and "Uninstall BetterDiscord".

Since you're looking to download BetterDiscord, select the "Install BetterDiscord" action.

Then, click on "Next" to proceed to the next step.

After you've clicked on "Next", you need to choose your Discord version.

There are 3 Discord versions including "Discord", "Discord PTB", and "Discord Canary".

Since you're using the normal Discord, select "Discord".

Then, click on "Install" to install BetterDiscord.

Once BetterDiscord is installed, Discord will automatically open.

On Discord, you'll see a BetterDiscord pop-up that displays the current version of BetterDiscord.

This means that you've successfully downloaded BetterDiscord.

Click on the "x" icon to close the pop-up.

2. Download MessageLoggerV2


MessageLoggerV2 download link:

Now that you've downloaded BetterDiscord, you need to download MessageLoggerV2.

MessageLoggerV2 is a plugin that allows you to see deleted messages on Discord.

You'll also be able to see edited messages.

Firstly, visit this link:

Then, click on the "Download" icon to download MessageLoggerV2.

You may get a warning saying that the file can harm your computer.

But don't worry, the file is safe, so you can click on "Keep" to keep it.

3. Add MessageLoggerV2 to the plugins folder & enable it

After you've downloaded MessageLoggerV2, you need to add it to Discord.

Firstly, open Discord on your desktop.

Then, click on the gear icon to go to your user settings.

On the left sidebar, you'll see multiple options including "My Account", "User Profile", "Privacy & Safety", and others.

Scroll down until you reach the "BetterDiscord" header.

Under the "BetterDiscord" header, click on "Plugins".

This will open the plugin library.

On the plugin library, click on "Open Plugins Folder" to open the plugins folder.

Next, open the folder that you've saved MessageLoggerV2 in.

Then, drag and drop MessageLoggerV2 in the plugins folder to add it to Discord.

After you've added Message LoggerV2 to the plugins folder, you need to enable it.

Firstly, click on the switch next to MessageLoggerV2 to enable it.

After you've enabled MessageLoggerV2, there'll be a "Missing Libraries" pop-up.

Click on "Download Now" to download the missing library.

This will open a lot of other pop-ups where you'll have to close.

There may also be another "Missing Libraries" pop-up.

If there's another "Missing Libraries" pop-up, click on "Cancel" to cancel it.

Lastly, you need to enable XenoLib and ZeresPluginLibrary.

4. Right-click the server & open logs

Open logs Discord

After you've enabled MessageLoggerV2, XenoLib, and ZeresPluginLibrary, you'll be able to see deleted and edited messages on Discord.

Firstly, navigate to the Discord server that you want to see deleted messages in.

Secondly, right-click on the server's name.

This will open a navigation menu with several options.

On the navigation menu, click on "Message Logger".

This will open another navigation menu.

Click on "Open Logs" to open the server's log.

How to see deleted messages on Discord

After you've clicked on "Open Logs", the server's log will open.

The log has 4 tabs including "Deleted", "Edited", "Purged", and "Ghost pings".

In the "Deleted" tab, you'll be able to see deleted messages on the server.

In the "Edited" tab, you'll be able to see edited messages on the server.

Hence, if you want to see deleted messages, make sure that you're on the "Deleted" tab.

The "Deleted" tab contains a list of deleted messages.

It also displays the date and time of the deleted message.

Since this is your first time using MessageLoggerV2, you need to wait for someone to delete their message before you can see it.

If you're in a massive Discord server, there'll probably be a lot of deleted messages in a day.

If you want to clear the log, click on "Clear log".

You've successfully learned how to see deleted messages on Discord!

Can you see deleted messages on Discord?

You can see deleted messages on Discord by downloading BetterDiscord and the MessageLoggerV2 plugin.

The MessageLoggerV2 plugin allows you to see deleted and edited messages on Discord.

However, the plugin is against Discord's terms of service, so you have to use it at your own risk.

That being said, you won't be banned from Discord from using it.


The MessageLoggerV2 plugin is against Discord's terms of service, so you have to use it at your own risk.

Besides seeing deleted messages, you can also see edited messages.

However, if you're in a small Discord server, there will be lesser deleted and edited messages.

For you to see them, you need to wait for someone to delete or edit their message.

Further reading

How to Grow Your Discord Server (3 Easy Ways)

7 Best Discord Server Templates

The 7 Best BetterDiscord Plugins for Discord

How to See Deleted Messages on Discord Server
